Code4Life in multi

The last feedback we had for this was from [CG]Thibaud on the french chat. It was something like “i positively think that the C4L multiplayer puzzle will come one day”.

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Damn Automaton2000, I cannot write on the chat without Magus quoting me :smiley:

About C4L, I don’t know yet.


I don’t know how far you got with the legal issues. But as the next contest isn’t announced yet, wouldn’t it be a good time to bring that game back?


Roche has decided to keep the game Code4Life for private events for some time. No agreement to have it released on CodinGame has been reached yet.

Sorry for the bad news, I’ll let you know if there is any change.


It’s been a long time, but I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to hear that Code4Life game will be released in the compete section this week!

:champagne: :tada:


What with leagues and everything?

Wednesday night:

  • PR1 legend opening
  • C4L release

Beautiful amounts of lag.

Maybe the accountant will be added too one day?

One of the best news, tnx Thibaud

The game will be released tomorrow with leagues and everything. (taking into account the rules update we did mid-contest in silver)


That’s true!