Languages update

Looks like the Language Versions page still says Rust 1.51.0.

Updated, thanks

Will java be ever updated to a new version ?
It’s still java 8 for at least a few years.
And the fact that some puzzles use java 11 but only at compile time makes it even worse, since the linter says that everything is correct when it’s not.

I believe they’re still fixing performance problems. They tried to update to Java 11 back in 2019, but performance problems forced them to roll back to Java 8.

is it planned to update c# to .net 6? And if so in what time scope?


The last time I asked, Thibaud told me that the C# update would be in April, but C# was one of the few languages that had not been updated…

+1 can you update C# to support .net6 or .net7 (RC1 is available)
We need this to be better on “Code golf” :smiley:

if ((sentence.contains("Java") || sentence.contains("C#")) && sentence.contains("golf"))
   Console.log("Choose another language :rofl:");




  • Rust 1.62+, for much simpler way to read input:
use std::io;
fn main() {
    for line in io::stdin().lines() {
        let line = line.unwrap();
        println!("line: {line}");
  • F# 5+, for string interpolation:
let v = 5
printfn $"{v}"
  • Python 3.10+, for improved error messages, int.bit_length and itertools.pairwise:
from itertools import pairwise
i = 64
print(i.bit_length(), i.bit_count())
for a, b in pairwise("ABCDE"): print(a, b)
  • OCaml 4.14+, for In_channel.input_all and new functions in Seq (, Seq.interleave, Seq.product…)
  • GNU awk for bash (currently available awk implementations are nawk and mawk): bitwise functions (and(), or(), …)
  • Python 3.10+

Let’s not forget about match/case Statements :wink:


Hello, any update on java ? Codingame is currently running java 11 which was released in 2017. Java 19 was released this week
Please let me train with modern versions :slight_smile:
We need Java 17 as it is the LTS



Really looking for c++20. As far as I see, current g++ version is pretty fresh, it supports almost all proposals from standard, but this functionality must be enabled with -std=c++20 command line option


Hello, I don’t know if it’s the right place for this topic but I can’t think of any other more suited.
I wanted to ask if there was any plan from the team at CodinGame to update the PHP version used on the website. As of now, it’s still clearly a 7.x version, whereas the 8.x has been out for more than a year and contains a lot of improvements, including very useful functions used constantly such as str_contains or the possibility to declare and set properties directly inside a class constructor parameters for instance.

PS : I’ve started on CodinGame last weekend and have been on it every day after work since, and also convinced two coworkers to create an account too. I love it, it’s great to improve my skills and to train for tech interviews !


Hope dies last…
For some reason, PHP was left out from the last two language update rounds, so it is still on v7.3. By November when v8.2 is out, it will be already 4 major versions behind.

I know it is no consolation, but there are other languages lagging behind the same way, i.e. Java 8. And on codewars you can solve some puzzles only on php v7.0 (phew…).


Thanks for the answer, crossing fingers that it will be updated at some point then, cause 7.0… that hurts ^^

Hello, we just updated .NET languages (.NET 6.0.9):

  • C# 10.0
  • F# 6.0
  • VB 16.9

(and Kotlin to 1.7.10)


How the hell does c#, kotlin get updated to latest but java doesn’t even get updated to the latest LTS? …

Java has been updated in the past, but the newer version caused a lot of timeouts that couldn’t be fixed (Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better) so it was rolled back.

that was a year ago tho, has this issue still not been fixed?

Still so much garbage to collect.