Please add the following programming languages

No please no, not Scratch.
Have you ever tried to write an algebraic expression in Scratch?


Itā€™s not so much of a question. The question is more which population Codingame want to address. If they want to address children, which are really interested in programming, then Scratch is a good candidate.

Is it really possible to code a BFS in Scratch?
If someone tries to solve puzzles in Scratch, he will meet a hard wall very quickly.

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I didnā€™t see it otherwise mentioned here: I think VBScript should be added.

There is a lot of legacy code still written in VBScript and it is still in active use. In fact the first thing you see when you boot into Hyper-V Server 2016 (released in november/the past 4 weeks) is a console program written in VBScript. If you search your C:\WIndows directory for VBS files (*.vbs) youā€™ll find quite a number of them (the prn ones are quite useful). Since so many enterprises are still on server 2008/windows 7 the need to administer those environments will be around for quite a bit longer. Even if not writing new scripts being able to read/maintain existing ones would be useful.

Actually powershell would be better but the idea seems to have been already dismissed. So I say VBScript!

It would be great if Nim was added. Nim is a systems programming language with Python-like syntax and strong meta-programming capabilities.

  • Performance comparable to C
  • LISP-inspired macro system
  • Garbage Collector that you can control
  • Support for closures, generics, and many modern language features.

The language is something that many programmers should have in their toolkit. You will never want to code in C or C++ (or D or Go, but your mileage may vary) again after trying Nim.


I would like to see Pike in the lineup.

Itā€™s about 20 years old now - still developed - a very clear and readable language, expressions in C-style and object oriented.

Perfect for this type of games.

Julia is definitely missing on CodinGame.


Hello from HN!

Another vote for Common Lisp here :). SBCL or CCL would be a good implementation to use (both are high-quality and very performant). Iā€™m also willing to help with integration if needed.


I support Common Lisp, it will be great.


LFE - Lisp Flavoured Erlang - would be a good fit here. Combining concurrency, fault-tolerance, functional style and semantics of Erlang with Lisp syntax for homoiconicity, macros, creating DSLs, etc. makes good sense in this kind of environment.


why nobody is asking for Malbolge?

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Because. :smiley:

I would like to see Nim in CodinGame - itā€™s compiled language with good speed, many meta-programming features, and it can look similar to Python.


OK, I wonā€™t ask for a language per se, but Iā€™ll suggest to add SQL puzzles and maybe some multis with SQL interfaces.
SQL sintaxis is very important on many environments, almost any data collected on any multi-user program lies on a database. And as you know other competitive programming webs already have SQL in its porfolio.

So I think it could be a good addition to have some SQL puzzles:

  • Easy Puzzle: Some simple SELECT * requests, with filter and ordering maybe.
  • Medium Puzzle: Some inner joins to fetch data from multiples tables
  • Challenge/Multi game: As part of input data, give the info from a database instead of stdin. I suggest that on a future Trading Card Game challenge (like HeartStone, or Magic the Gathering :wink::wink:) , you put cards info on a database, and users need to fetch the data from the DB instead of stdin.

MySQL (or MariaDB), PostgreSQL, and Oracle Express are available on Linux, and maybe MS SQL have the Express Edition ported to Linux too. But with only one DB engine is enough, really.

Maybe thatā€™s harder than adding another language, but I think it worth the effort, I consider SQL language essential on modern programming, reading from stding itā€™s ok because itā€™s simpler to detach the program from IDE and working outside it. But SQL itā€™s a must on many developer positions.

And as a fun fact, SQL language is Touring Complete, so in theory is as powerful as bash :slight_smile:


I had the same thought the other day but never got around to suggesting itā€¦ thanks for reminding me :slight_smile: . Some flavor of SQL would be a very good addition, and certainly more relevant than some of the obscure/esoteric languages being suggested.

Since itā€™s Turing-complete (and tbh I didnā€™t realize it was), I donā€™t see why we couldnā€™t treat it the same as any other language, though. A separate set of puzzles just for SQL isnā€™t strictly necessary (though it would be a valuable learning tool, along the lines of the machine learning game).

Cower in terror in the face of my SQL-based CSB bot!
Alternately: You just got rekt by a database :smiling_imp:


Well, I prefer not going to that extreme case. In the end nobody will be crazy enough to try to create a multiplayer bot with SQL (maybe for the T-shirt).
Iā€™ve created some rather complex T-SQL scripts, and I know itā€™s powerful but itā€™s aimed to process streams of data (much like Bash pipes): Select to read data, process it, and update, store or print. A Mandelbrot itā€™s just for laughs.

SQL is really useful as a module for any other language.
Iā€™d suggest to teach good SQL practices, like parametrized statements:
Maybe some Community Puzzle to create an SQL injection, and as I said before, some multiplayer Trading Card Game where card info is stored in database :wink: :wink:

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oh I can do Oracle Dynamic Sql Method 4 :slight_smile: I will be looking forward for SQL puzzles

Hi, I would like to ask for support of Red Language it is a multi-paradigm homoiconic functional 0-dependencies language with prototype-based OOP, macros, DSL, GUI and native cross-compiling.

Current stable version is 0.6.2, but it is totally capable of doing simple IO and working with data structures and algorithms. As a member of Red community I can help you with any issue you face.

Thank you.

Scheme. Because it is simple, beautiful and powerful classics.


Iā€™m all for actual Lisps getting included (yeah, Clojureā€™s not really it), butā€¦ which Scheme?