Spring Challenge 2022 - Bugs & questions

Thank you!

So can I use code from referee in my solution - like the Vector class and the way you calc new speed for monsters?

Yes, you can do so.

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I think this is an incorrect physics… If there’s a wall and the wind blows under non-90 degree angle to that wall, the object should slide alongside the wall in the direction of wind, not be just stuck.

So is it just me, or is testing in the arena running slow for anyone else? I know its takes time to compare code, but its been over 4 hours since I last submitted my code and only 86% of the battles are completed. I don’t remember it taking that long in previous challenges.

Not just you , it’s the same here .

 for i in range(2):
        # health: Each player's base health
        # mana: Ignore in the first league; Spend ten mana to cast a spell
        ghealth, mana = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
        if i == 0 :
            my_mana = mana
            my_health = ghealth
        else :
            opp_mana = mana
            opp_health = ghealth

Last night there were almost 1000 bots that had recently been submitted and their scores were being calculated. Way more than usual in this challenge, so it makes sense that battles were extremely slow.
Although I do agree that in the last two AI challenges it wasn’t this bad on the last day.


@Valdemar is right, I just forgot I had to wait one turn because the controlled hero’s action is overriden.

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Just a quick one - is there a way to get the most recent code I wrote for the challenge? Since it has finished I can’t find a way to get it.


Activities > Compete > Contests > S2022 - View Report :wink:

The code will also be available in the IDE when the game is released


The challenge has ended, but I still have some ideas I want to try. Will it be possible to upload new code and test it against other players in the arena with ranking?

You can, when the challenge is relaunched in the bot programming section, expected to be within this week. It will be a bot programming ranking instead of a contest ranking.


I remeber there was a disussion a few yers ago that it would be nice to release contest game to bot programming as son as possible. The main idea was that some players are still full of ideas to improve their bots just now, but after couple of days the enthusiasm is disappearing and they even may left CG until next contest. This is exactly true for me in most cases unfortunatly.
So a gentle request from me - could you hurry up the relaunching process a little if it possible.
Thank you very much for perfect contest anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thibaud has already announced that it should be available this week, so please give them just a little bit more time :wink:


@Alyssa-P-Hacker / @BorisZ

The challenge is now available as a multiplayer game :raised_hands:



the arena is not ready yet. Due to a technical issue, not all bots have been moved to the arena.
I’ll announce when the game is ready. @BorisZ we’re doing our best


The arena is now ready. Please see this post for more info:

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:wave: Hi to all :grinning: !
I want to thanks the CodinGame Team (@TwoSteps, @_CG_jupoulton, @_CG_SaiksyApo, @_CG_Simon, MathisHammel and maybe others behind their keyboards) for this event …
→ My colleagues (@7AM, @korriganBzh, @Cheyoz plus 3 more others) and i got many pleasure in this challenge, some of them just registered for the challenge !
=> Thanks for fun, organization and competition …

I won’t miss to :clap: congratulate too :1st_place_medal:@bowwowforeach the winner, :2nd_place_medal:@blasterpoard and :3rd_place_medal:@Nanaeda for the podium !

:handshake:Bye, have :sun_with_face: sun, :joy: fun and :+1: CodinGames :wink:

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Replays from this challenge are broken for me.

Example reply: https://www.codingame.com/replay/631542677

Tested on Edge, Chrome and Firefox, using Linux Manjaro.