Spring Challenge 2020 - Bugs & Questions

I catched that sometimes the input does not include all ennemies, not only at the beginning but also after a while : some ennemies seem to really disappear from my inputs ?! --> is it normal, or there is a mistake/misunderstanding from my side ?

speed Bug.

  • Pac 0 used a speed boost.
  • Pac 1 used a speed boost.
    next turn
    Only pacs with the SPEED ability enabled can move:
  • Pac 1 moved to (6, 9).


You have to command the pacs with speed burst to move more than one spot, if you are only commanding to move one spot, there is nowhere else for it to go on the “free” move. You don’t get two commands, just up to spots to move.


Touché ! was thinking of bronze instead of silver.

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Can you please detail how is calculated the timeout limit ? inserting (java) nanoTime() at the beginning and end of the loop, gives me outstanding values ?! often bigger than 50ms anyway.

check this out:

about your earlier question, there is a fog of war from the Bronze league which prevents you from getting input from enemies out of sight.

Thanks, all clear !

Possible bug here. I’m in Bronze League, Python3:

The engine tells me there are 45 pellets, but I only receive 44 lines afterwards.
See this replay, std err log for turn 1 :

The relevant code used is :

 visible_pellet_count = int(input()) # all pellets in sight
 log("visible_pellet_count=", visible_pellet_count)
 for i in range(visible_pellet_count):
    if i==0 or i>visible_pellet_count-5:
        log("before input() / i=", i)
    x, y, value = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
    if i==0 or i>visible_pellet_count-5:
        log("after input() / i=", i)

Can you try to flush the stderr to see if this solves the issue?

You can take the cli branch from my fork.


Maxime has fixed the C template.
You can revert the code in the IDE to the default code (updated) using the circling arrow at the top right of the IDE.

@TwoSteps All my apologies, the bug was in my code.
Flushing the stderr showed that the last input() for the pellets was indeed sent.
My next step involves walking the maze from each pac to a wall, and this is a rare maze featuring a row without any walls, so I was looping indefinitely.

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@FDA44 You can have informations about an ennemi pac only if at least one of your pacs see him.

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I just won vs Inky(Bronze league boss) with 334 : 0 score. He failed to provide command on time. seed=-4693339502560167900

Is there any reason why Java 8 is used in this competition instead of Java 11 or newer?

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I think bosses after wood leagues are taken from real players submission so it’s possible that they are buggy sometimes. Not sure whether codingame patch them or not.

Clyde (Silver league boss) also “fail to provide 1 lines in time” sometimes

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Thanks, saw it too late and made my own cg-brutaltester local runner already:

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Is is possible to have a debug mode in the IHM ? (like the batman one and the rectangle of possibilites).
I seach it where I see in the description this picture.

Is it possible to continue working on your code and testing it against the challenge, even levels you didn’t reach, AFTER the challenge completes?

I simply don’t have the time to allocate to a challenge like this to be able to compete :upside_down_face: